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Posts published in December 2011

Another Earth

Pedro Adelino 0

“Our Earth is replicated elsewhere” [ad]


Pedro Adelino 0 “Save the earth” [ad]

Merry Christmas

Pedro Adelino 0

To me… Posted from WordPress for Android

Just arrived!

Pedro Adelino 0

Just arrived to my office : Driver : San Francsico – Collector’s Edition for the PS3! In time for christmas. [ad]

Celebrating 5000 tweets

Pedro Adelino 0

And that’s it folks, I have now surpassed the 5000 tweets barrier. Happy me 😀 [ad]

The Thing

Pedro Adelino 0

Yesterday was day of The Thing. If you remember the original film (1982) was directed by John Carpenter and had Kurt Russell. I am big fan of science fiction horror…


Pedro Adelino 0



Pedro Adelino 0

I have been really busy at work, with Christmas coming and both my workplaces needing my artistic way of making good coffee. They need me to succeed and I need…