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Posts published in January 2012

Another victory!

Pedro Adelino 0

Another 3 points! [ad]


Pedro Adelino 0

Very bad movie! 1 star out of 5! [ad]

The Darkest Hour 3D

Pedro Adelino 0

Weak movie! 1 star out of 5. [ad]

Concrete Angel

Pedro Adelino 0

Tune of the week 🙂 [ad]

Black Prophecy

Pedro Adelino 0–E0EgY Great game! [ad]

War in Manchester!

Pedro Adelino 0

[ad] Posted from WordPress for Android

SOPA must die!

Pedro Adelino 0 “Expect us” For a free internet, forever! USA won’t change into a China! Freedom of speech, oh yeah! [ad]

Amazing humans

Pedro Adelino 0

Watch in HD with this music on background : [ad]

Underworld Awakening

Pedro Adelino 0

Great movie in 3D, 3 stars out of 5. [ad]